Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Two truths and a lie

  • My favorite color is pink.
  • I have a wii.
  • I have two sisters and a brother. Sabina M.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Quater 2 Review 2008-09

Last year when I was finishing 5th grade, I thought 6th grade was going to be really hard and scary for some reason. I thought I might get a lot more homework than 5th grade, and I mean a lot more homework.
Actually, I found out that 6th grade was not that bad after all. I mean having a locker is cool and you have freedom than 5th grade.
I thought the 1st time going rock climbing was going to be hard but it turned out to be easy. Although I still think rock climbing is just a bit hard.
I thought french class was going to be easy but it turned out to be hard. I learned french before but then in the written tests I got a bad grade when I'm good at doing most of the other activities better.
Something I had no idea about but turned out to be important was that you need to turn in all your homework. I missed a lot of classes and it was really hard to catch up with the homework.
August 14 was the first day of school. I remember the lunch room was super full that some people had to sit on the floor! It's because High school was also there for lunch.
During August after school activities began. I participated in Jewelry Box and I remember you had to make different types pf jewelry for your jewelry box. Then I actually had to quit.
September 18 we had class retreats. I remember it was a whole day of fun, but not when we had to write a reflection about it. We went to the American club and swam in the swimming pool.
We took ISA tests in October. The questions were pretty easy. Then after a few pages, it got harder and harder.
We have a big break in April. I plan to stay here because we can't go to any other countries. I think it'll be really boring.
There are a lot of changes this year. Something I am really good at is drawing a cartoon as an art asignment.
Something I am not so good at is math class. I just get an OK in tests.
Something I would like to improve on is to try and not miss any school days. It's because I have to visit my family
I helped someone else who needed to have a partner in one of the classes because no one else asked her. I think it was PE class.
Next year I am hoping to be more organized. My locker gets all messy then when I clean it up, it becomes messy again.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Comic Strip Generator

In Comic Strip Generator you can create part of a comic with a photograph or a cartoon character. On the left is my comic called The Fish. I put the comic on my blog by taking a snapshot of it, then I uploaded it to a post by clicking on an icon. Finally I posted it on my Blogger home page!

Computer Accounts

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:
Computer Accounts
View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Slideshare is when you can upload a PowerPoint slideshow to you Blogger account or another account. I made a PowerPoint about the different types of accounts you can have and they're all new to me.

First I made a PowerPoint. Next I created a Slideshare account. Then I clicked browse files and found my PowerPoint, but if the file is the newest version, you have to change it to the 2004 version, (you'll now when the end of the file name says ppt). Next I filled in everything and I was done!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Me and my Messed Up Locker

At the school I go to, my locker is a mess because its the first time I got a locker. When I finally got a locker, I thought I always had to keep my locker organized because there is locker checks, but after a month or two, I figured out I don't need to keep it super tidy.

When I thought of not keeping my locker super tidy, my locker became a mess inside, like a junkyard. My three ring binders were not lined up properly, there were lots of loose papers being torn and bent, and papers getting lost. My friends say its completely fine, and said I'm one of the tidiest people, but I don't think so.

Two weeks later, I kept my locker tidy, especially if its time locker checks. I'm going to stay really tidy starting now. I really like Middle School and I never want to miss a day of school. I also like my friends and the classes we have, like art and other classes. -Sabby M

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Hello World!

Hello people! This is my first time publishing a blog, so I'm kind of excited.